How To Start A Business Selling Things You Make

Carrie Stay and Tracy Greeney

About The Show Do you have a hobby, something you love doing?  Do you craft gifts people ask for, or perhaps you went to art school, or just love drawing and are wondering if the next step could be starting a business. That’s exactly what our guests Carrie Stay and Tracy Greeney did.  Listen to…

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Turning Your Idea Into Your Business With Joyce Ohaja

Joyce and Mum bakes Cakes Show Feature Image

About The Show As well as the usual crew we were joined by two brilliant businesswomen In the studio. TV presenter Joyce Ohaja turned her experience and skills as an interviewer and producer into a business creating video to help other businesses showcase their products and services. Paula Wilkinson launched her business Mum Bakes Cakes…

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How To Wow Your Customer The Taylor’d Bundles Way!

About The Show How many times have you heard that the best thing to do in business is what you’re passionate about? If you’re anything like us, quite a lot I should think. However, this advice isn’t just because if your’e passionate about something you’re going to enjoy it more, it’s really about how that…

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Get Paid More For What You Do – Suzy Miller

About The Show Thanks to Suzy Miller for helping us to create such a varied show with a range of actionable ideas for you to get paid more for doing what you do.  This is closely aligned with getting more money generally in situations such as divorce which is Suzy’s specialist area. Listen in to…

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Top Business Blunders With Shawn McBride TEDx Women Speaker

op Business Blunders with Shawn McBride

About The Show Judging by the response we’ve had since this show aired, we managed to pack a load of useful information into this show and that’s all thanks to Shawn McBride, TEDx Women speaker, author, Attorney at Law and top Business Consultant. We start by exploring why women can make good business partners, then…

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Growth Hacking For Real Businesses

Growth Hacking The women In Business Radio Show website

Listen in to the discussion on the why, what and how of growth hacking. Plus, if you though affiliate marketing didn’t apply to ‘real’ businesses – then listen in because you may change your mind. On Today’s show, we were joined by growth hacking expert Kimberly Hash de Vries talking Affiliate Marketing and Growth Hacking…

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