This Will Just Have To Do For Now!

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    This will just have to do!

    You may wonder why the show has this rather odd title?

    It's because when setting up for the broadcast everything just kept going wrong: the light fell down, so did the green screen, the mouse wouldn't work, and so it went on.

    Yes, there was time to fix it, but we just couldn't be arsed, not today

    In the show, we discuss reopening from lockdown and what to expect given what we're seeing for some of our clients and connections.

    We also discuss ideas for moving forward.

    Right at the end we dip into the idea of stigma, people's preset ideas and a key insight for preconceived ideas about coaches.

    • • •

    It's a rather disjointed show, but it's been a rather disjointed month!

    Key Takeaway

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