Social Media Tactics With Lucy Hall, Founder of Social Day UK

Does it seem like everyone is using video to market their business apart from you? It's not that you can't work out HOW to do it, but what are you going to publish?

Our guest in the studio today is Lucy Hall - Founder of Avviso Media and Social Day - one of the biggest and most successful social media events in the UK and today she shares how to use live video to create excitement and suspense about your event and one critical tip for using social media platforms.

Lucy also mentioned shared her favourite for video and social media pretty - so a fab show all round for growing your business using social media!

Plus we have 'Tool of the Week' 'Book of the Week' and shout out for women in business events.

And wow - Lucy has given us a Discount Code for #SocialDayUK - just use code wibradio for to get your tickets for Birmingham for £45 and get 1/3 off your London ticket!

Book your ticket here

1 Comment

  1. Sian Murphy on 11/05/2017 at 20:58

    Hi Katrina – sorry, it took us a while to get to your question, can’t recall off the top but I can find out for you isn’t it in the broadcast? xx

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