Menopause Special

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    As you might expect in an episode called Menopause Special, we talked about the menopause. Mostly.

    New co-host Adelle Martin is a menopause expert and so for her first episode in the studio (when we didn't have a guest) it seemed sensible to exploit her knowledge and experience.

    Be rude not to!

    We discussed how we feel right now - mainly angry for no apparent reason. We trip along with what we're reading right now, what we learned this week and round off with a sprinkling of tricky menopause symptoms that women often experience, but which are often attributed by them and their doctors to more another scarier cause.

    We hope you enjoy the show, find it useful and come out the other side of it with the idea that you can successfully run a business and deal with the menopause.

    For more information about how you can interact with the show, perhaps as a guest or sponsor, please visit

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