Innovative Strategies and Tactics To Grow Your Business

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    Liz J Springer, The Innovation Strategist

    About This Episode

    In the show today, we discussed how growth means change, and the possible barriers for that to happen.

    We also had a wiz through planning your day for productivity, what are innovative strategies, and the difference between the business strategy for corporates vs small business and solopreneurs.

    One word that kept on coming up was systems!

    And, how do you deal with people who think it's ok to call on you because you run your own business, so you have time to chat. 'Only Me!'

    Of course, there are also some top tips for business with our special guest Liz J Springer, The Innovation Strategist, author, speaker and business consultant.

    Our host is Sian Murphy, Co-Host Laura Lawrence and a regular contributor to the show, Jackie Groundsell.

    Key Takeaway

    Top Tips and Quotes

    Top tips from our guests live on air...

    What Do You Know Now, That You Wish You Had Known When You Started Out?

    We always try and get this question in live on air...

    Recommended Reading

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