VIP Guest Profile Details

  • The details that you provide here will be held by us and used on our website and Social Media Channels in order to promote you and your business. We also may contact you from time to time to keep you updated about the Radio Show and women in business inititiatives. Leave blank any details you either don't have or don't want made public
  • If you have more than one account please put them on seperate lines
  • Personal Profile
  • Business Page
  • Personal Profile
  • Business Page
  • Please provide any #hashtags that you use to promote yourself or your business so we can put posts into those conversations
  • Is there a quote you love or something you always find yourself saying?
  • Are there any books or tools you've found useful on your business journey?
  • If this different to your personal bio, add anything you wish for your business aims, missions, values and objectives.
  • Please provide any further information that you think will help us to promote you or your business
  • These images are going to be used on the Internet so please no bigger than 1400x1400 pixels and 400kb. We may have to amend the sizes to fit onto some of the platforms that we use. You can submit bigger images but we will have to edit prior to using them on our channels.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 128 MB.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.