Because of the number of applications now being received to appear on the radio show, we have reviewed the options we provide for a live show appearance.
We have also introduced optional extras for guests to enable them to maximise their appearance, whilst helping us to continue to support women in business.
It is still free to be on the show, you cannot buy a place as a guest, or a guest writer. The quality of the guests and the contribution they make to the information and inspiration we broadcast to help women in business is paramount and forms a part of our overall mission.
We are also committed to providing a platform where any women in business has the chance to experience broadcasting and to talk about their business, regardless of their financial circumstances or previous media or business success. What really counts is integrity, passion and knowledge about what you do.
Every show we broadcast will have a free guest space, as it does now, what we have introduced is a new paid VIP Guest option to let you fast track your appearance.
Each weekly show will include 1 Free Guest Space and 1 VIP Guest
Optional Extras for the Free Show Guest
Your Bio (approx 250 words), social media profiles and website details included in the Pre Show Event Page and the post-show page which also includes a recording of the show.
You can pick these options after you've booked your space £25 + VAT.
Optional Extras for the VIP Show Guest
Enhanced promotion package which includes the creation of images which include you, for posting on social media posts; postings of your show and your social media tags for up to 12 months; A dedicated Bio page on the website with links to Social Media Accounts and your website; after show connection and support through social media channels.
£125 + VAT
An Optional Extra for anyone
Apres show interview where we talk one to one about your business, product, service or event. You get a copy of the interview to use on your social media channels or your website. Being interviewed about your services is a great way to show what you do without doing the selling because we do that as part of the interview - you're just answering the questions! The cost for this is £135 + VAT and it comes with a full money back guarantee, just in case you're not over the moon with the result. That also includes a fact-finding session before so we can drill down into what you want listeners to understand about your business and offering.
You will be offered these after you have booked your slot, and can also order them up to 2 weeks before your appearance.
How does it work?
- Make a decision about if you want the free or VIP option.
- If you choose the free option we will add you to the waiting list to book a slot - (we now have guests through until 2019)
- If you think you would like the VIP guest, pick that on the form and we will then call you to talk through what your objective is, agree on a key topic, a headline and book you into an appropriate show date.
- If we're going ahead with the VIP Guest option you will be sent an invoice for £125 + VAT which must be paid within 7 days to secure your VIP place. If for whatever reason we need to cancel the show (this has only happened once due to bad weather!) you will get a full refund of the amount paid, or the option to move to a different show.
- When the invoice is paid, we will gather what we need from you to include in the pre and post-show information and promotion.
- If you have opted for the enhanced promotion option, we will also be setting up some additional promotion for before the show. The after show promotion will take place after your appearance because your on-air talk and any pictures will form part of the promotion we create for you.
Free Studio Guest
- Take part in the live studio show on a Thursday at the Ashford Studio on air 11am-12 midday
Enhanced Show Listing
- 200 word bio, social media profile and website details in the pre and post show event pages - which is also promoted on our social media channels)
VIP Studio Guest
- Priority Booking
- Show headline is based on you and your topic
- Main guest listing in the pre and post website and other pages
- Links to your Social Media Profile and Website in the pre and post show publications
- Your Bio - up to 200 words, profile picture and logo included in the pre and post show pages
- VIP Guest Announcement on our social media profiles
- You will be introduced as the VIP or Special Guest during the live show
- Your contact details will be broadcast on air
- MP3 copy of the show to use freely
- Embeddable code of the whole show sent to you for your website
VIP + Enhanced Promotion
- All the VIP Guest Features, your appearance in the show, plus: -
- A mention or update on you in 2 separate shows.
- Your name, business, strapline, and contact details mentioned on air during the show you are sponsoring
- Show promotion images will include your name and logo
- VIP Sponsor listing in our Directory (due to launch April 19th 2018)
- Special Guest Page with your full bio, business profile, your profile picture, logo and links to your social media profiles, website and also including the write up from the show you appeared on and the recording of that show
- 6 months of post show promotions on our our social media profiles with appropriate engagement and support