Articles and recorded shows where the theme, the participants or some of the story and ideas relate to business and breast cancer

What's Going To Be Happening
We are interested in covering topics in our shows and articles which deal with some of the following ideas and challenges. If you think you can contribute please contact us. The contact form and some of the contributions we already have are further down on this page
Here's an idea of the topics we could be covering:
- Managing the side effects of medication
- Forging ahead with your business whilst you get your head around the other stuff that's going on
- Experiences on how, why and what to tell your clients - if anything!
- How to charge for services which are helping other breast cancer affected people
- Setting up a not-for-profit or 'community support' business
- Getting sponsorship or other types of support for your business venture
- The pro's and con's of MLM (multi-level-marketing business models
And this isn't exhaustive, we want your ideas about challenges and opportunities as well. We want to develop this into a community initiative to help you and help others.
There are a number of ways you can become involved:
- Take part in a live show as a guest in the studio or by phoning in. The show broadcasts live every Thursday at 11am BST and the studio is in Ashford, Kent, UK. We can accept phone in's internationally and regularly have guests call in from the USA and Canada.
- We are considering recording mini-podcast episodes off air which can then be included as snippets in the live show or as stand along broadcasts to be published on iTunes and our website.
- Writing or recording an article, which could be your story, your advice or perhaps your business approach to planning.
This project is evolving and this is just the start.
If you have been sent here because you have already connected with us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, or have emailed in then please fill out the form below. If you don't want to take part directly but would like to be kept up to date with what is happening, then we have an email list for you to join.
Just one more thing - what we won't be doing is talking medical statistics, specific treatments or medical advice. Breast Cancer does change lives and what we want to do is try and make sure that's for the better.
Radio Shows, Articles and Stories
Tell Us A Bit About Yourself & Breast Cancer
If you would like to be involved, please tell us a little bit about yourself and we will get back to you asap.