If You Are Appearing On The Show
Please Give Us Your Details So We Can Connect Before The Show
Please give us some details about you. Please fill in this form to help us connect with you and get a bit of information about you before the show. It's up to you what you include.
Would You Like To Special Promotion Package
As a sponsor, you appear as a guest on the show, and there is a promotion package around your appearance. In addition, we name you as a sponsor on a different show.
There is no charge for your appearance on the show and you can take photos on the day, as a sponsor we create a suite of images, and run a promotion around you as a guest and a sponsor.
Creation of a branded image suite.
Postings of your logo and images on our Social Media channels alongside the radio show branding.
Ongoing promotion for 12 months posting the recording of your show and your sponsorship.
A copy of the advert-free MP3 recording.
A Profile page on the website, with your bio, contact details, a link to your product, book or programme.
The cost of sponsorship for 1 show is £180 or the full year at £2,000
To discuss sponsorship, please email sian@thewomeninbusinessradioshow.com or call the office on 01634 565321.
Apply For Enhanced or VIP Promotion
On The Day
You need to arrive at the studio by 10.30 am. We have a lounge area and tea, coffee, water and biscuits are available.
The show goes live at 11 am and we come off the air at 12 midday. You will be in the studio for the full hour.
The studio is at:
Kent Space Self Storage & Business Centre Ashford, Letraset Building, Wotton Rd, Ashford TN23 6LN
If we have agreed you are a phone-in guest, the studio telephone number for the live show is ++44 (0)1233 220035.
If you have any issues on the day, the emergency contact number is 07951 168863.
What can you expect on air?
There will be no tricky questions and nothing to make you feel uncomfortable. Our listeners want to hear how they can start and grow a business and want inspiration, not controversy. We also don't have a political or discrimination agenda and the whole thrust of the show is about getting information out to women in business.
The show format is a discussion and you do not need to do any preparation. We will not send out set questions as the show is dynamic and will flow along a broad topic we have previously agreed.
We often have more than one guest on the show at the same time, and you will all be part of the discussion although we may focus on your particular area of expertise at some point.
If you are a sponsored guest, there will also be the chance for you to talk about your particular projects and we will also be picking out snippets of content around you for promotion on our social media accounts and website.
Tell Your Audience You're Appearing!
Meet The Team

About The Studio and Channel Radio
The Women in Business Radio show is proud to be a part of Channel Radio. The station has 3 studio's two of which are focused on the music and arts. We broadcast through the business talk show channel of the radio station, Channel Radio 2.
If you are sponsoring a particular episode of the show or a show category, you will also be included in promotion around the radio station itself, and including other business show hosts.
Please make sure you have read the terms and conditions about your appearance.