Trisha Wood – Constant Contact Client

Hi Lovely Constant Contact helper

This client doesn’t have a website for this product and so I thought I would create a page with pictures of her branding and her products.  She does have a website for her other business, she is an artist and so I’ve also included a link to that so you can get an overall feel for her.  But the newsletter template needs to be around her beauty products. They are her own brand and all have 100% natural ingredients.

It would be useful if her template could include a box for one item to be sold, an area for a beauty tip, or a short article about a particular ingredient and a coupon area.

Her artists website is:

Here are her branding and product images.

20150603_195515-1 20150603_203313 20150603_205327 20150606_164825 20150726_161535 Tricia Wood Posh Logo 1


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